You are here: PLBPOS Interface > Using PLBPOS Interface

Using PLBPOS Interface

Before using the PLBPOS Interface, ensure that items have been assigned to the Restricted Items Stock Item Attribute Type/Attribute.

This can be configured by completing the steps outlined on the Configuring PLBPOS Interface page.

To use the PLBPOS Interface, complete the below steps:


Add Stock Items to the sale (Restricted and Unrestricted).



Press the ENTER button on the POS Screen to go to the Tender screen.

The Tender screen will be displayed.

A "Restricted Items" amount will be shown and will contain a Subtotal of all Restricted Items in the sale.

The subtotal amount includes all items including both restricted and unrestricted.



When selecting the EFTPOS Tender and paying using a Cashless Debit Card, the following prompts will be displayed.

The initial prompt will show a Transaction Declined prompt from the EFTPOS Integration that your system is configured to use:



The next prompt will be displayed to allow you to choose the next course of action:



You have three choices on this prompt:



Each of the possible choices have been outlined below - click on one of the below links for further details about the selected choice:






Additional PLBPOS Interface Functions

The following additional functions can be used with the PLBPOS Interface:



Click on one of the links below for further details about the function: